In 1982 Delbert Bland and his late father, Raymond, began growing Vidalia® sweet onions on just five acres at Bland Farms. Today, Bland Farms is the largest producer of the Vidalia sweet onion volume annually.
Recognizing, and acting on, the rising demand for sweet onions, Bland expanded production outside of the Peach State, both domestically and internationally, and into Texas, California, Peru, and Mexico. These strategic growing partnerships have proven themselves to be extremely valuable, allowing Bland Farms to supply sweet onions year-round.
For Delbert Bland and his family, farming is a way of life. He and his wife, Sandra, have honored and grown the family business that was passed down to them from Delbert’s parents, Raymond and Rubye Jeane Bland. Sandra in her own right has done a great deal to popularize the Vidalia® brand. Among other things, she was the first to successfully incorporate Vidalia® sweet onions into processed foods and her mail order business in the 1980s introduced the Vidalia® name to markets west of the Mississippi River.
Like his father did with him, Delbert Bland has passed down the secrets and lessons of the family farm to his sons, Troy and Landis. Troy grew up working the farm with both his father and grandfather and knew from a very young age that his dream, like his father’s, was to carry on the family business. Knowing full well that the responsibility of carrying on Bland Farms will lie firmly on his shoulders, Troy now serves as Chief Operating Officer. Landis follows in his father’s footsteps as a true salesman. Needless to say, the success of the farm has been, and will continue to be, a family affair.